The Wave Kids Bed I Convertible Montessori Floor Bed to Twin
The Wave Kids Bed I Convertible Montessori Floor Bed to Twin
This 2-in-1 twin bed, with a curved headboard inspired by the ocean, converts from a Montessori floor bed to a traditional twin bed, making it the perfect first bed for toddlers––that will last until they leave home.
A Montessori bed can be a helpful way to support independence during your child's early years. With the bed frame low to the floor your child can get in and out of the floor bed on their own while staying safely close to the floor. When ready, use the included conversion kit to raise the floor bed to a traditional bed height.
Optional side rails are available to ease the transition from crib to twin. They can be used with the Wave Kids Bed, whether its configured as a Montessori bed or at a more traditional height.
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Designed to Support the Big (kids bed) Transition
Designed specifically to support the transition to their first big-kids bed with low height for easy in-and-out and more space for snuggles with mom or dad. Handmade with care, our kids beds are made for magic starting now for years to come.